My Au Pair work

Hello everyone,
I hope that all of you is doing really good. I thought that I should tell you more about the work of an Au Pair since that is what we mostly do as being an Au Pair.
So for me a normal working day starts at 8:00 AM.  I get up in the mornings and get ready for the days work that awaits on me.I help three of the five children to make sure that they get breakfast in the mornings. After that it is time to brush teeth and comb their hair and get dressed for school. I usually only help the twins with that because they are to small to do it by themselves.
After all three of the big children got on the bus for school I take the twins to the car, get them buckled up and put their lunchboxes and bags in the car. Then I take them to school witch is not far away from my house. It is really nice to see how much the teachers over here care about all the children and how happy the children is at school.
I get home its time to clean the children rooms. It is not hard because I just make their beds and open their curtains. I will help my hostmom around the house and I enjoy it because it keeps me busy. If I weren’t this busy at times I think that I would be alot more homesick.
When the children gets home they get one healthy snack, we all play together and at times we bake do some fun stuff together and have some time off before we start with their homework. This is fun for me because it gives me and the two big boys some time alone. Homework usually does not take us long, it just depends on how much work they have to do. All the children have some chores to do before its time for dinner. Dinner time is nice and relaxing for me because all of us sit down together, talk about our days and spend some family time together.
Sometimes at night I help to get the twins ready for bed. This is to get them washed, brush their teeth and then go read a bedtime story to them and tuck them in. They never give us any troubles sleeping and go straight to sleep after we said goodnight.
My working day ends after all of that is done but I do not work the whole day, I will also have some time off during the day when the children are at school so I truly do enjoy my work. It is not always easy and it can get you really tired but it is worth it!!
Bonding with the children.

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