My Au Pair Journey, my new home at Langhorne, Bucks County, PA

Hi, my name is Juliana and…Wow!
That’s pretty much the best word to describe these 2 weeks since I got to Langhorne at Bucks county, PA.
After almost 12 hours flying from Sao Paulo, Brazil to New York, Washington and – finally- Pennsylvania I arrived at my house for the next year, The Zacconis residence.
Now I am an Au Pair from Go Au Pair  and here my journey began.

I was welcomed by my host mother (and new shopping partner) Allison, my host father Shawn and their wonderful family.

I spend most of the time with Olivia, who is two and is a cutie.
Joey, her brother, is six years old. He is my evening buddy.
We usually spend some time at the basement and playing Wii (I’m not very good at that), baseball (I try) and soccer (Hey, I’m from Brazil) and we have lots of fun.
I wasn’t just welcomed by the humans in the family, though…their dog, Diesel, connected to me immediately. I wake up everyday with him lying by my feet. His love came in a perfect time once I left my 11 year-old dog Coco at home.
Unfortunately, Coco passed away last Saturday. Diesel is helping me cope…

Stay tuned for my next entry: A trip to Philly

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