EduCare Au Pair

Sometimes parents say that they simply need less than 45 hours of childcare– precisely because their kids are in full days of school.

If host family has children who attend school full-time and does not need 45 hours of childcare, the EduCare program may be an excellent choice.

The EduCare program is designed for host families with school age children. An EduCare Au Pair works with children for less amounts of time and take more education than a standard Au Pair. Their weekly pay is less since they work fewer hours.

The requirements of the EduCare program are:
· EduCare Au Pairs work 30 hours per week instead of 45 hours
· The EduCare weekly stipend is $146.81
· EduCare Au Pairs are required to complete 12 credits  or 144 classroom hours of post-secondary education at an accredited institution.

The Educare Au Pair can work up to 30 hours per week, 10 hours per day, they have 2 weeks of paid vacation and receive 4 paid holidays. Host family pays first $1000 towards their education.

EduCare Au Pairs are not permitted to care for children under 2-years old.

EduCare Au Pairs may not be placed with families that have preschool children except if other, full-time childcare plans have been made.

If your family has school aged children, and you need  less weekly hours of childcare, the EduCare program may be a good option.

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