Au Pair’s Holiday Party with snow!

Ophelia’s Diary.

On Saturday, a beautiful snow day, twelve Au Pairs from the Philadelphia area got together in Peddler’s Village. We had a real Christmas Holiday Party with snow! It was my first Christmas far away from homeAu Pairs party

First we had lunch together at Cock’n Bull Restaurant. At this time, we had several new Au Pairs who joined us.IMG_20131214_134700

Go Au Pair‘s Local Area Representative, Polina organized a very interesting game helped Au Pairs know each other.

Au Pair Ophelia

Everyone said three things about herself,  two of which were true and one that was not. We enjoyed this game a lot.

Au Pairs presents

After the meal, we went to the Au Pair Jacqueline host family’s house where we had desserts and played the White Elephant Gift Exchange Game.Au pair party

Every Au Pair brought a dessert, then we shared all of them together. It seemed like everyone got the gifts they liked, so we didn’t exchange the gifts too much. Then we had two more games, they both quite interesting.
Au Pair game

After the game, we had a team Cosplay Costumes with toilet Paper. We were divided into two groups, we both made a unique image for Christmas. These two images made us laughed a lot.

Au Pairs game

During this Au Pair holiday party, I truly felt the meaning of Christmas. All the Au Pair friends got together, we harvested laughter and happiness.Holiday party for Au Pairs

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