Meet a new Au Pair from South Africa, Rikie.

A new South African Au Pair, Rikie will join the Go Au Pair cluster in Bucks County in a few days. She will live in Doylestown. Ricky describes herself as a very friendly, loving and a people’s person. ” I love to make new friends everywhere I can and keep them for as long as I can.” Rickie also said that she is an outgoing person and loves adrenalin.”I love doing extreme sports.”

Rikie has a Buddy – the Au Pair from Germany, Cosima. They both are 19 years old, love sport and live in Doylestown. Cosima is very excited for the opportunity to be a Buddy and help Rikie.

South african Au Pair

Meet a new Au Pair from South Africa, Rikie. She picked up three adjectives that describe her – caring, trustworthy and ambitious.Au Pair from Bucks County 2

Hello, my name is Rickie, I’m 19 years old and I’m from South Africa. I was born in Pretoria the capital city of Gauteng.

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I want to be an au pair in the US because its a new experience for me its something that will help me to become more independent and a grownup. The most important reason of all is because I have a huge love for kids and just feel like I can do a great job in the US.Au Pair from Bucks County 4

If you had one wish what would it be?
I think my best wish is the same as most people, its just to be successful in my life and happy and then to travel the world. 

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What place would you like to visit the most?

What place would I like to visit the most, now that’s a difficult one. I really don’t think that I can choose because I want to go everywhere and see everything all the different types of landmarks and historical grounds and just see everything, and I think Pennsylvania  is a very good place to start of with.Au Pair from Bucks County3 Welcome , Rikie. We are looking forward to meeting you in person.