Meet new cultures, meet new people, meet the new YOU

Two weeks ago, I had my first au pair event. It was a picnic near the Liberty Bell. The weather was perfect for us and so everything. 

There were a lot of new au pairs. Miguel came with his Host Family. It was really interesting to meet them there.

We had fun together, ate delicious dishes from different cultures… The two of us: Valentine and me had baked something (I would share the recipe with you, but it is a secret family recipe.) We also had muffins, chicken, etc.


We also played a game to know each other better. I learnt new information so far.

Something important: you have to experience yourself by getting know others better to meet the new you. Hard, but it is worth it!

Our next meeting will be at (the awesome) Polina’s house. We will make sushi and something else, as we have two chefs in the cluster! I am looking forward to meeting these guys again! See you there! ♥

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