An Au Pair in Excellence from Philadelphia.

What is the best proof that parents are happy with the quality of their kid’s childcare? I think that the best proof of great child care is the families desire to recognize their Au Pairs by spending time writing very special words about them.

Au pair volunteering at the Philadelphia Flower Show

“Ophelia has been a precious addition to our family”, wrote Ophelia’s host mom in her nomination essay. ” Between her devotion to Theo, her delicious dumplings, her boundless optimism and positivity, and her simple dependability, Ophelia has enriched our lives and enabled us to pursue our dream of having a family during graduate school. Just as Theo is growing up with Ophelia, Ophelia has grown to be an indispensable part of our lives. We cannot express how grateful we are to have her with us”.Au Pair from China with her host child

 The Mintz family, a host family from Philadelphia, nominated their Au Pair Ophelia from China for the IAPA Au Pair of the Year Award in 2014.

Thei Ist bday

Many Au Pairs from Philadelphia cluster have brought true richness to their family’s daily lives, went above-and-beyond in their roles, and made a significant difference in the lives of the children for whom they care.  Four Au Pairs from China out of five Chinese Au Pairs from our cluster were awarded this year: the Au Pairs  Ophelia,  Adriana,  Hui and Diana.

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Ophelia is very mature and responsible.  She built very good relationships with her host family and the extended family as well.  She likes to spend time caring for her host child Theo. Recently Theo turned one and  Ophelia dedicated a video to Theo.

Ophelia is very active, she has participated in many Au Pair’s activities, volunteering, and teaching English to seniors.

An Au Pair volunteering

Ophelia has had so many good memories together with her host family, many of which have been memorialized  in Ophelia diary.

Go Au Pair team volunteered in Philadelphia

Go Au Pair agency believes that Ophelia and other Au Pairs are truly excellent, and their hard work deserve to be recognized. The agency recognized six Au Pairs from our cluster out of 22 Au Pairs from Go Au Pair cluster in the Philadelphia, Bucks County and NJ area. Read a press release Au Pairs in Excellence Nomination- Au Pairs stand out.psb-26

Huge congratulations on being nominated for the IAPA Au Pair of the Year Award and being recognized as an Au Pair in Excellence, Ophelia! Good Luck with you life journey!

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